The Moore platform creates value. Leasing is supported by property management to reduce roll and anticipate opportunities. Leasing is supported by tenant construction to reduce cost and expedite occupancy.

Capital Transactions
Moore consistently enjoys success with complicated projects that require a well-coordinated platform.
Moore sources off-market deals, widely-marketed deals, and widely-marketed deals with a nuance that offers special opportunity. Close relationships with brokers have been invaluable.
Moore’s principals co-invest in every acquisition.
Historically, the majority of Moore acquisitions have been office buildings, but retail, industrial, flex, and developable land are also in the portfolio.
Over its history, Moore has engaged in over $1.3 billion in commercial real estate transactions.

Maximum leasing results from the consistent application of a multi-faceted strategy involving the entire platform.
Moore devises and implements a project specific marketing plan for every asset. A Moore principal leads the leasing team and is directly involved in every transaction.
Leasing is an on-going activity for every tenant. We look for opportunities to extend, renew early, or re-work leases, thereby achieving asset stability and long-term tenant relationships.
Moore values its relationships with brokers, and to collaboratively identify opportunities, solve problems, and close transactions.
Moore’s reputation among brokers is for fairness, closing deals, and a continuous awareness of tenants in the market.
Transformative capital improvements and property management have made a “Moore repositioning” respected by the brokerage community.
A Moore transaction is known to be accretive to client/broker, client/landlord, and broker/landlord relationships, which contributes to broker focus on Moore assets.

Property Management
Property Management’s mission is to work closely with our tenants to provide a work environment conducive to the success of their business while delivering exceptional customer service.
• Relationships
• Service Request Fulfillment
• Comprehensive Preventive Maintenance Program
• Focus on Energy Efficiency
• Environmental Awareness
• Tenant Events

Development / Construction
Moore’s Development / Construction team has successfully provided owner construction management services since the mid 1980s.
Moore’s development expertise enhances the pre-acquisition due diligence process and allows for accurate budgeting and timely execution of capital improvement projects.
Moore provides tenant construction services to anticipate costs and reduce leasing transaction time. The quick provision of budgets and the ability to relieve the tenant of overrun risk results in a higher close-rate and earlier tenant move-in.

Financial Controls and Accounting
Accounting’s mission is to ensure the integrity of property and partnership finances through accurate planning and transaction recording and reporting.
Moore’s established Policies & Procedures ensures accurate financial controls are in place to process, record, and report various accounting department functions.